Risk Simulator Real Options SLS title= Modeling Toolkit PEAT ESO Valuation ROV BizStats
Risk Simulator Runtime ROV Compiler ROV Extractor ROV Optimizer ROV Dashboard ROV Webmodels
Quantitative LSRO SDK rov-visual-modeler

ROV BIZSTATS é um conjunto de ferramentas estatísticas aplicadas, que está focada na facilidade de utilização, mas ainda é poderosa o suficiente para resolver a maior parte dos problemas estatísticos do dia-a-dia. Como um software independente, que também irá trabalhar com os dados existentes em suas planilhas, fornecendo relatórios detalhados completo com resultados analíticos e explicações detalhadas dos resultados.

O Software ROV BizStats utiliza os seguintes modelos e métodos:

1. Absolute Values
2. ANOVA: Randomized Blocks Multiple Treatments
3. ANOVA: Single Factor Multiple Treatments
4. ANOVA: Two Way Analysis
6. Auto ARIMA
7. Autocorrelation and Partial Autocorrelation
8. Autoeconometrics (Detailed)
9. Autoeconometrics (Quick)
10. Average
11. Combinatorial Fuzzy Logic Forecasting
12. Control Chart: C
13. Control Chart: NP
14. Control Chart: P
15. Control Chart: R
16. Control Chart: U
17. Control Chart: X
18. Control Chart: XMR
19. Correlation
20. Correlation (Linear)
21. Count
22. Covariance
23. Cubic Spline
24. Custom Econometric Model
25. Data Descriptive Statistics
26. Deseasonalize
27. Difference
28. Distributional Fitting
29. Exponential J Curve
31. Heteroskedasticity
32. Lag
33. Lead
34. Limited Dependent Variables (Logit)
35. Limited Dependent Variables (Probit)
36. Limited Dependent Variables (Tobit)
37. Linear Interpolation
38. Linear Regression
39. LN
40. Log
41. Logistic S Curve
42. Markov Chain
43. Max
44. Median
45. Min
46. Mode
47. Neural Network
48. Nonlinear Regression
49. Nonlinear Models
50. Nonparametric: Chi-Square Goodness of Fit
51. Nonparametric: Chi-Square Independence
52. Nonparametric: Chi-Square Population Variance
53. Nonparametric: Friedman Test
54. Nonparametric: Kruskal-Wallis Test
55. Nonparametric: Lilliefors Test
56. Nonparametric: Runs Test
57. Nonparametric: Wilcoxon Signed-Rank (One Var)
58. Nonparametric: Wilcoxon Signed-Rank (Two Var)
59. Parametric: One Variable (T) Mean
60. Parametric: One Variable (Z) Mean
61. Parametric: One Variable (Z) Proportion
62. Parametric: Two Variable (F) Variances
63. Parametric: Two Variable (T) Dependent Means
64. Parametric: Two Variable (T) Independent Equal Variance
65. Parametric: Two Variable (T) Independent Unequal Variance
66. Parametric: Two Variable (Z) Independent Means
67. Parametric: Two Variable (Z) Independent Proportions
68. Power
69. Principal Component Analysis
70. Rank Ascending
71. Rank Descending
72. Relative LN Returns
73. Relative Returns
74. Seasonality
75. Segmentation Clustering
76. Semi-Standard Deviation (Lower)
77. Semi-Standard Deviation (Upper)
78. Standard 2D Area
79. Standard 2D Bar
80. Standard 2D Line
81. Standard 2D Point
82. Standard 2D Scatter
83. Standard 3D Area
84. Standard 3D Bar
85. Standard 3D Line
86. Standard 3D Point
87. Standard 3D Scatter
88. Standard Deviation (Population)
89. Standard Deviation (Sample)
90. Stepwise Regression (Backward)
91. Stepwise Regression (Correlation)
92. Stepwise Regression (Forward)
93. Stepwise Regression (Forward-Backward)
94. Stochastic Processes (Exponential Brownian Motion)
95. Stochastic Processes (Geometric Brownian Motion)
96. Stochastic Processes (Jump Diffusion)
97. Stochastic Processes (Mean Reversion with Jump Diffusion)
98. Stochastic Processes (Mean Reversion)
99. Structural Break
100. Sum
101. Time-Series Analysis (Auto)
102. Time-Series Analysis (Double Exponential Smoothing)
103. Time-Series Analysis (Double Moving Average)
104. Time-Series Analysis (Holt-Winter’s Additive)
105. Time-Series Analysis (Holt-Winter’s Multiplicative)
106. Time-Series Analysis (Seasonal Additive)
107. Time-Series Analysis (Seasonal Multiplicative)
108. Time-Series Analysis (Single Exponential Smoothing)
109. Time-Series Analysis (Single Moving Average)
110. Trend Line (Difference Detrended)
111. Trend Line (Exponential Detrended)
112. Trend Line (Exponential)
113. Trend Line (Linear Detrended)
114. Trend Line (Linear)
115. Trend Line (Logarithmic Detrended)
116. Trend Line (Logarithmic)
117. Trend Line (Moving Average Detrended)
118. Trend Line (Moving Average)
119. Trend Line (Polynomial Detrended)
120. Trend Line (Polynomial)
121. Trend Line (Power Detrended)
122. Trend Line (Power)
123. Trend Line (Rate Detrended)
124. Trend Line (Static Mean Detrended)
125. Trend Line (Static Median Detrended)
126. Variance (Population)
127. Variance (Sample)
128. Volatility: EGARCH
129. Volatility: EGARCH-T
130. Volatility: GARCH
131. Volatility: GARCH-M
132. Volatility: GJR GARCH
133. Volatility: GJR TGARCH
134. Volatility: Log Returns Approach
135. Volatility: TGARCH
136. Volatility: TGARCH-M
137. Yield Curve (Bliss)
138. Yield Curve (Nelson-Siegel)