Real Option Analysis Third Edition

Real Option Analysis Third Edition

Modeling Risk Third Edition

Modeling Risk Third Edition

Advanced Analytical Models Second Edition

Advanced Analytical Models Second Edition

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition

The Banker’s Handbook on Credit Risk

The Banker’s Handbook on Credit Risk

Readings in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)

Readings in Certified Quantitative Risk Management (CQRM)

Case Studies in Certified Quantitative Risk Manage

Case Studies in Certified Quantitative Risk Manage

Risk Simulator User Manual

Risk Simulator User Manual

Project Economics Analysis Tool (PEAT)

Project Economics Analysis Tool (PEAT)

Real Options SLS User Manual

Real Options SLS User Manual

Modeling Risk

Modeling Risk

Real Options Analysis, 2nd Edition

Real Options Analysis, 2nd Edition

Advance Analytical Model

Advance Analytical Model

Valuing Employee Stock Options

Valuing Employee Stock Options

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Stochastic Forecasting, and Optimization

Applying Monte Carlo Simulation, Real Options Analysis, Stochastic Forecasting, and Optimization

Applied Risk

Applied Risk

Real Options Analysis Course

Real Options Analysis Course

Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments & Decisions

Real Options Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Valuing Strategic Investments & Decisions

Modelación de Riesgos (Tercera Edición)

Modelación de Riesgos (Tercera Edición)

Faith Journey

Faith Journey

Risk Simulator (Simulador de Riesgo)

Risk Simulator (Simulador de Riesgo)

Managing Your Finances God’s Way

Managing Your Finances God’s Way

Súper Enrejado Solucionador de Real Options

Súper Enrejado Solucionador de Real Options

What Is So Real About Real Options, and Why Are They Optional?

What Is So Real About Real Options, and Why Are They Optional?


Our founder and CEO is a world-renowned expert in the fields of real options analysis, options valuation, and simulation applications, and has written numerous articles and books on those and related subjects. Following is a sampling of his books that are pertinent to the software, consulting, training, and services provided by Real Options Valuation, Inc.

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition: A Practical Guide for Bank Lending

Credit Engineering for Bankers

More efficient credit portfolio engineering can increase the decision-making power of bankers and boost the market value of their banks. By implementing robust risk management procedures, bankers can develop comprehensive views of obligors by integrating fundamental and market data into a portfolio framework that treats all instruments similarly. Banks that can implement strategies for uncovering credit risk investments with the highest return per unit of risk can confidently build their businesses.

Through chapters on fundamental analysis and credit administration, authors Morton Glantz and Johnathan Mun teach readers how to improve their credit skills and develop logical decision-making processes. As readers acquire new abilities to calculate risks and evaluate portfolios, they learn how credit risk strategies and policies can affect and be affected by credit ratings and global exposure tracking systems. The result is a book that facilitates the discipline of market-oriented portfolio management in the face of unending changes in the financial industry.

Credit Engineering for Bankers, Second Edition

  • Concentrates on the practical implementation of credit engineering strategies and tools
  • Demonstrates how bankers can use portfolio analytics to increase their insights about different groups of obligors
  • Investigates ways to improve a portfolio’s return on risk while minimizing probability of insolvency